Reported commands in english, affirmative sentences online exercise. All downloads are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. We use indirect objects after those introductory verbs. Orders in reported speech exercise focusenglishschool. The command or request in direct speech takes the infinitive form. In part 2 of the reported speech lesson, we will focus on requests, orders, and questions. Reported speech is used when you want to tell someone else what a person said before. Reported speech indirect speech with free online exercises, reported speech indirect speech examples and sentences. Commands, requests, advice in indirect speech direct command. Jul 31, 2017 can you report questions, statements, requests and commands correctly. Reported or indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we typically change the tense of the words spoken. Reported speech reporting verbs write these sentences in another way using the words at the end of the line. It also contains sentences taken from the little pr. Can you report questions, statements, requests and commands correctly.
Exercise on reported speech 09 learn english online free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on english language. Worksheets are teachers notes indirect questions, reported requests and orders, its 8 oclock in the morning are you watching television, direct and indirect speech, indirect questions, grammar challenge, indirect questions exercise, reported commands change to reported speech using the. Test your understanding of direct and indirect speech with this interactive grammar exercise. We do not use their exact words, so we do not use quotation marks. Reported requestscommands when we put direct commands or requests into indirect speech we usually follow the below structure. Pdf exercises worksheets with answers on reported questions, commands and requests to download for free. In this the ss can practise how to make a reported command request suggestion in the present and in the past. A collection of english esl reported speech indirect speech worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach a. Here you will find many reported speech exercises at all levels so you can practice and improve your knowledge of reported speech in english. Questions, commands, requests reporting verbs reported speech.
Explanations and examples along with tests and exercises online to learn everything about reported speech in english. Report the following requests, offers, commands and orders. This downloadable worksheet is best suited for at intermediate b1 level. It is a useful material for practising reported speech indirect speech in english. Change to reported speech using the person and the verb in brackets. Displaying all worksheets related to indirect requests. This master page contains online reported speech exercises pdf with all tense forms, sentences types, mixed, advanced, easy, interactive, pdf download for all class students and levels. Common sense, together with the time aspect from the speakers point of view, are more important than the rules when. Reported orders exercise dont turn on the light, she said to him. Welcome to esl printables, the website where english language teachers exchange resources.
Reported speech reported speech tense shift indirect speech imperatives indirect speech questions reported requestsexclamations exercisespractice. The reporting verbs for the orders commands requests are. Pp 1 quoted and reported speech quoted speech direct speech. In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech. Online exercises english grammar and courses free tutorial reported speech indirect speech with. English esl reported speech indirect speech worksheets. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary show example. Reported requests and orders perfect english grammar. Indirect commands, requests, advice are usually expressed by a verb of. Please contact me if you have any questions or ntact. Reported speech requests learn english online free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on english language. For pronouns and place time expressions see statements in reported speech. Reported commands and requests english grammar exercise.
Reported commands and requests past esl worksheet by kiaras. He said, if you called on me tomorrow, i could see you 1. You only have to change the person and shift expressions of timeplace descibed on our page reported speech summary. Reporting orders and requests when we want to report an order or request, we can use a verb like tell with a toclause. Reported speech with and command and request sentences is somewhat complex and needs more to practice. Grammar worksheets direct reported speech reported speech commands reported requests and commands. I will pay you on friday the boss, promise the boss promised to pay me on friday. Because we use the infinitive there is no need to worry about tense. Fernandez carmona, english grammar with exercises, longman, 2000. We asked the man to help us they asked us to wait because we use the infinitive there is no need to worry about tense. Reported commands and requests english grammar exercises. Direct and indirect speech exercises with command and requests imperative sentences. He told us to turn the music down as he was trying to get to sleep.
There is no backshift of tenses with commandsrequests in reported speech you only have to change the person and shift expressions of timeplace descibed on our page reported speech summary. English grammar reported speech 3 all those changes represent the distancing effect of the reported speech. Reported speech part 2 requests, orders, and questions. Orders commands sometimes people tell us to do something directly in this way.
Reported speech exercise 3 perfect english grammar. Point out that in reported speech we report what someone has said. Live worksheets english english as a second language esl reported speech reported speech. Online exercises reported speech indirect speech, questions and negative sentences. But as with reported statements and reported questions, we may need to change pronouns as well as time and place in reported requests.
Reported speech requestsexclamationscommands grammarbank. A simple worksheet with four tasks on reported speech. The commander said to soldiers, march on quick the commander ordered soldiers to march on. Reported speech exercises pdf download for all class students and the students of all levels. Live worksheets english english as a second language esl reported speech reported speech reported speech two exercises for practicing the formation of all the types of the reported speech. Reported speech statements reported speech yesno questions reported speech whquestions reported speech examples more complex sentences reported speech imperatives exercise reported mixed exercise. Other verbs used to report orders and requests in this way are. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary. English online grammar exercise reported speech statements, questions and commands. There are 6 exercises two to practise the introductory verbs. May 12, 2018 learn how to use reported commands and requests in english with examples. The word tell is often used in introductory sentences in reported commands but others are possible such as order, insist, command etc. The old lady said to doctor, please, check up my ailing son. Requests are when someone asks you to do something in a polite way.
This is a worksheet for practising reported statements, commands and requests. Practice online or download in pdf these easy, beginners, advanced level reported speech exercises. There is no backshift of tenses with commands requests in reported speech. Reported commands and requests english esl worksheets.
Pp 1 quoted and reported speech quoted speech direct speech what time is the meeting. Reported requests commands when we put direct commands or requests into indirect speech we usually follow the below structure. Keeping this thing in view, we have listed out all important direct and indirect speech exercises for your view. Requests and commands are formed using the toinfinitive in statements. Reported orders, commands and requests are formed using the toinfinitive and not toinfinitive.
Reported speech worksheets, pdf exercises, handouts to print. Reported speech indirect speech english esl reported speech indirect speech worksheets most downloaded 406 results. Reporting verbs worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach ab. Exercise 3 requests mixed complete the sentences in reported speech. It accompanies my ppt and could be used after presentation. Download reported speech exercises pdf for class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and college and university level students. Ill do it again jack, agree he agreed to do it again. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. The tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech. Reported requests and orders change the direct speech into reported speech. Commands 1 esl printables grammar tests vocabulary training listening comprehension reading comprehension other esl tools online english grammar quiz. Show the pp1 slide on quoted and reported speech for additional examples. But as with reported statements and reported questions, we may need to change pronouns as well as time and place in reported requests here are some examples.
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